Assessment of suspected dementia

Consulation two should be used to gather information by performing the following assessments:

  • Mini Mental State Examination (sMMSE) and Clock Drawing Test (CDT) or
  • General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG) and if indicated
  • Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)

Look for specific conditions that mimic dementia (depression, delirium, drugs – refer to the Differential diagnosis - 3Ds tab) or that can aggravate dementia e.g. cardiac failure, use of anti-cholinergic drugs.

Check nutrition, hygiene, visual or hearing impairment and consider other factors that may affect capability during assessment such as: level of education, skills, previous level of functioning and ability, language, psychiatric illness and physical or neurological problems.

Draw from knowledge of and judgement about the patient.

A history of loss of function is more indicative of dementia than complaints of memory issues alone.

Please note that all screening instruments used to assess dementia in general practice have high rates of over diagnosis (false positives) and moderate under diagnosis (false negatives), so the full clinical presentation needs to be taken into account.[1]

Cognitive Assessment - CDAMS Preferred Assessment tools

Additional useful resources

Official training video for using the GPCOG

Official website of the General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG). This website provides GP guidelines and other useful information for better management of dementia patients and their families.

Dementia Collaborative Research Centre: Dementia Outcomes Measures

Dementia outcome measurement suite (DOMS) is a Federal initiative to help address the issues related to a rapid increase in people with dementia / Alzheimer's. This site is for Health Professionals who have undergone suitable training for use of these tools in clinical assessments. The tools on this site are recognised as the most current for dementia assessment.

No Time Like the Present - The importance of a timely dementia diagnosis PDF

RACGP Guidelines for preventive activities in general practice 8th edition